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Notes from AGM Feb 2019

Writer: Matthew LastMatthew Last

The lovely, but unseasonal, weather we have been having is a reminder that the new tennis season starts soon. You will pleased to learn that subscriptions remain the same as in 2018. We are looking into the Club Spark membership scheme which will involve some changes to our banking arrangements. Jill, our membership secretary, will be in touch soon explaining all.

Unfortunately we have received resignations from two of our committee members. Stuart Jefferies has resigned from the General committee and Judy Chesterfield as our Treasurer. Judy has been a member of the Tennis Club since 1954 and Treasurer since 2011. Her expertise and knowledge of the club will be sorely missed and we would like to thank her for all her hard work and long service to the Club. We propose to recognise this more formally at an appropriate date in the future. Stuart's challenging contributions will also be missed. David Lewis has been appointed as our new Treasurer. Alan Grimwood and Graham Rudge have joined us as committee members. We had hoped to have the courts resurfaced by now. Unfortunately the contractors were delayed so we had to put it on hold. The good news is that all being well ETC hope to start around the middle of March completing the resurfacing and temporary lines before Matt’s Easter holidays camps. Court painting will be done at a later date. We are looking into the use of other courts whilst our courts are out of action. We will keep you informed. We are considering entering a second Men’s team into the Ipswich and District Summer League. This will involve playing about 8 evening matches (4 home, 4 away) between May and August. The team consists of 6 players (3 pairs) playing 4 sets. Please let Matt or I know if you are interested in playing, or would like to know more, before March 10th. At this time of year it is difficult to know if it is worth making the effort to attend a club night on Tuesday and Thursday evenings not knowing who will be there. Is anyone interested in using the WhatsApp Messenger service? Please let me know. Don’t forget Matt runs a cardio session 6-7pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays and club sessions follow on from these. Having attended cardio you will be nice and warmed up for the club session. Our coach Matt also runs two other group sessions for anyone wanting to up their game no matter what their ability or tennis experience is. Wednesday mornings 09:30 – 10:30 which, unfortunately, isn’t well supported. If you are interested or would prefer it on another day please contact either Matt or myself. The other session, Tennis Xpress, is every Friday 18.30 -19:30. This is an improver session for any adult wanting to feel more confident during club sessions or those who are brand new to tennis and want to use this as a starting point. Each group session costs £6 per person Unfortunately we had to cancel the club’s winter social at The Bell @ Sax due to lack of numbers able to attend. Instead we are going to make the most of our first of the month ‘Tuesday Tournaments’ by running a BBQ as well. The first will be on Tuesday 7th May. I will remind you nearer the time. We are going to introduce a new way of supplying balls for club sessions. The buckets will be taken away and be replaced by a can of balls per court. Each can will have a sticky label with the numbers 1 - 4 written on them. At the start of play the person collecting the balls from the clubroom will cross off one number until the balls have been used 4 times when they will be replaced. I will leave a supply of pens. Please leave them in the clubroom. This will start on 1st March. Please give it a try. Match captains can you return once used balls to me please. Thank you to everyone who have been playing Friday evenings at David Lloyd with Woodbridge Tennis Club especially all who have stood in at the last minute. I hope you have enjoyed it. Looking forward to an enjoyable and successful 2019 season of tennis

Kind Regards,


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